【Amazon面试经历】SDE Virtual Onsite 其他公司 电面 开发岗

兔精精 2020-5-9 1506

Question: Cannot discuss the exact questions due to NDA Rounds: 1 OA, 1 Tech Phone Screen and 4 back to back rounds on virtual onsite

Round 1: 50% LP from the 14 Leadership Principles(Refer the book The Amazon Way - 14 LeaderShip Principles) and one OOD question(Not on the Leetcode problem set but can find it on leetcode discussion).

Round 2: Again first half of one hour interview LP with follow-ups and second half one LC hard(From Amazon all time list), straightforward but to answer it you need to know all the important Algorithm techniques.

Round 3: This had 40 minutes of LP and rest 15 minutes for System Design and 5 minutes for any question to the interviewer. (Not the typical System design question found on the * the system design interview/ anything on youtube but a prior knowledge on System Design with LB, Sharding, API gateways, cache etc., helps and can come up with solution)

Round 4: It was 45 minutes coding(more stressed on DS and algos) and 15 minutes on LP. Here the question was little vague and similar question is there in Amazon interview experience but not the LC problem set.

Overall, I think I could answer Round 2 and Round 3 completely but Round 1 I gave the logic at the end as the time was running out and Round 4 I gave the logic but the interviewer was not satisfied.

Result: The HR told that they are not moving forward at this time. But the team is ready to look for roles right away outside of software engineer role(not sure what does that mean as the HR is yet to come back)

最后于 2020-6-1 被maomoke编辑 ,原因:
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