【求转发!求扩散】大家一起反对东区建homeless营地 纯水 广而告之

maomoke 2021-8-1 4193

政府要在我们美丽的东区修建流浪汉住所,大家一起齐心协力千万别让变成西雅图DT那样,http://chng.it/MY8F9RJfp6 政府要在IHS学校附近建homeless hotel,可以允许drugs、无保安、可收容外州人,并可以长期免费居住。希望大家签petition制止该项目。

8.2周一下午5:00-6:30有听证会欢迎大家参加,来自king county的邮件:

Dear Redmond Business Stakeholders and Community Members,

My name is Mina Hashemi and I work in King County Executive Dow Constantine’s office. I’m writing to invite you to join King County and the City of Redmond for an upcoming community meeting to discuss the Health Through Housing acquisition of the former Silver Cloud Inn recently announced in Redmond.

The county’s purchase of the hotel will provide supportive housing for chronically homeless residents. There are still a lot of logistics to take care before anyone moves in, including permitting and identifying an operator to provide 24/7 staffing and services on-site. As is our commitment with all purchases pursued through the Health Through Housing Initiative, King County is working with City of Redmond officials to provide information about the project as it becomes available and is committed to hearing and addressing questions and concerns from businesses and residents in the area.

As such, we’d like to invite you to a special community meeting for businesses and residents on Monday, August 2nd, at 5:00 pm. Presenters will share information and answer your questions about the county’s purchase of the Silver Cloud Inn for the Health Through Housing initiative. Here are the details for the meeting:

What: Health Through Housing Redmond Community Meeting When: Monday, August 2nd, from 5:00 – 6:30 pm Microsoft Teams link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NGUxMDBiZjAtZDdhMi00M2Q1LWJkMzAtYzk2YWY1NjUxMTk4%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22cb894d07-355f-495f-b9c1-a2a6d84a7468%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22eac79903-5029-4ef4-94e0-5ead538542fb%22%2c%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3atrue%7d&btype=a&role=a Participants can submit questions and request translation services prior to the meeting via email to health.through.housing@kingcounty.gov.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about the meeting and feel free to invite your neighbors.

Warmly, Mina

Mina Hashemi

External Equity Relations Manager

Office of the King County Executive

Office of Equity & Social Justice

Pronouns: she | her | hers

Email: ahashemi@kingcounty.gov

Phone: (206) 263-5700

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