【Amazon面经】May 2020| Onsite Virtual |L4 SDE 其他公司 Onsite 开发岗

兔精精 2020-5-21 951

Question 1: https://leetcode.com/problems/rotting-oranges/ Question 2: I cannot recall the question, but it was very similar to the question from the leetcode discussion platform - “extracting most popular features out of a feature set…” This is generally solved using a priority queue. It is of Medium level difficulty. The wording of the question was different.

Telephonic Round:

  1. Zigzag level order traversal of a Binary Tree. [I solved it using a queue. follow up: can you tell me if you can solve it using different DS in the same time complexity? – answer: use stack]
  2. “We are given consecutive natural numbers from 1 to N. Input: list of N-1 numbers unordered. (with one missing number) return the Output: The missing number.” – this was easy.
  3. Interviewer asked me general questions about my experience and some questions specific to a particular project that I did. (I can’t recall the specific question, as it happened 40 days ago)。

The general questions with respect to LP’s and some of the follow ups in all the rounds are as follows (I remember only some of them):

  1. Tell me about yourself, your experience, pick any challenging project that you had worked on and tell me what was the challenge, how did you over come it, why was it a challenge? Did you seek an SME? How did you learning a specific thing (from your context) that you did not know? [the interviewer needs to get convinced that the situation was challenging, otherwise he repeats the question].
  2. Did you miss a timeline during your work experience, how did you communicate with the other teams/customer? What did you learn? What did you do to not repeat it? Did you skip some of the features?
  3. Tell me about a time when you had to disagree with your team? What was the situation? Why had you disagreed? Did you succeed? How? [when I had answered this, I got the follow-up asking “okay, tell me about a time when you had to disagree with the team, but the team still moved forward with their decision, what did you do?]
  4. What is your favorite LP? Describe a situation were you had demonstrated the particular LP. [open ended]
  5. I was severely measured on the customer obsession, with too many follow ups.

Round1: OOD – different types of Alexa devices are given, each one has to display/output the status of it’s battery charging status to the user. [the question was intentionally vague to check if the interviewee is asking clarifying questions while trying to solve the problem]. Round2: https://leetcode.com/problems/product-of-array-except-self/ Round3: LRU cache [the interviewer started talking about some technical scenario, which lead to the interviewee talking about the cache, and finally asked to implement the LRU cache]. Round4: https://leetcode.com/problems/integer-to-english-words/

最后于 2020-6-1 被maomoke编辑 ,原因:
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