【Google面经】Greatest Common Divisor Google OA 开发岗 数据岗

兔精精 2020-6-2 961

Google Singapore OA Question Summer 2020 Internship Interview on CoCubes

Question #1:

GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of two positive integers is the largest positive integer that divides both numbers without a remainder. Siblings: Nodes with the same parent are called siblings. Level of a tree: Level of a tree is the number of edges on the longest path from the root node to a leaf. You are given nodes of a binary tree of leven n as input. Caluclate the GCD of each pair of siblings and then find the max & min GCD among them. Print the difference of max & min GCD ( max GCD - min GCD)


  • Print -1 if input tree is empty i.e level of tree is -1.
  • Consider those nodes which have a sibling
  • Print 0 if no such pair of siblings found

Input Format:

The input is in the following format:

  • The first line takes an integer n as input which represents the level of tree (the root node is at 0 level). (if level is equal to -1, means empty tree)
  • Next n+1 lines contain the nodes in the tree level order. Each i'th line represents the nodes present in the binary tree in i'th level.

1st line contains level 0 nodes. (i.e. root node). 2nd line contains nodes for level 1. 3rd line contains nodes for level 2 and so on. Each node is represented by an integer value. Node value of -1 denotes an empty node(no node present at that place).

Output Format:

A single integer i.e., the difference of max & min GCD (max GCD - min GCD)


  • -1 <= level of tree <= 20
  • 0 < element at nodes of tree <= 500
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