West Seattle/Ballard Link 扩展项目正处于《环境影响报告》 (Environmental Impact Statement, EIS) 草案的正式公众咨询期,直至 2022 年 4 月 28 日。此咨询期对小区未来发展方向相当重要。审阅相关合作伙伴和公众对《环境影响报告草案》的意见后, Sound Transit委员会将落实或修改首选方案和车站地点。
此两项独立的轻轨扩展项目属于2016年11月获选民批准资助的区域《Sound Transit3号议案》(Sound Transit3, ST3) 配套措施的一部分。
- West Seattle Link 扩展项目
- 从 Seattle 市中心到 West Seattle's Alaska Junction 街区新建 4.7 英里的轻轨服务。
- 其中包括四个从 SODO 到 Alaska Junction的新车站。
- Ballard Link 扩展项目
- 从 Seattle 市中心到 Ballard 新建 7.1 英里长的轻轨服务,包括一条新的 Seattle 市中心铁轨专用隧道。
- 其中包括Chinatown - International District与 Market Street 之间的九个新车站。
日前Sound Transit推出的《环境影响报告草案》评估了备选方案对自然、建筑环境以及运输系统存在的潜在影响和益处,并确定可能的缓解措施。请在 2022 年 4 月 28 日之前分享您的想法!
有关West Seattle/Ballard Link 扩展项目以及《环境影响报告草案》:https://wsblink-simplifiedchinese.participate.online/
The West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions will provide fast, reliable light rail connections to dense residential and job centers throughout the region. In addition, a new downtown Seattle light rail tunnel will provide capacity for the entire regional system to operate efficiently. These two separate Link extensions are part of the regional transit system expansion approved by voters in November 2016.
- West Seattle Link Extension
- Adds 4.7 miles of light rail service from downtown Seattle to West Seattle's Alaska Junction neighborhood.
- Includes 4 new stations from SODO to Alaska Junction.
- Ballard Link Extension
- Adds 7.1 miles of light rail service from downtown Seattle to Ballard, including a new downtown Seattle rail-only tunnel.
- Includes 9 new stations from Chinatown-International District to Market Street.
The Sound Transit Board has identified preferred alternatives and other alternatives to study in a Draft Environmental Impact Statement. The Draft EIS evaluates potential impacts and benefits of the alternatives on the natural and built environments and transportation system, and identifies potential mitigation measures.
The West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions (WSBLE) project is in the formal public comment period for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Share your thoughts by April 28, 2022!