【特别推送】疫情下,文化产业如何共度时艰? 纯水 广而告之

lillian 2020-10-15 515



Register in advance for this webinar:  https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ItwSs_e9R1GWNIeTGda7Cw

Free Zoom Webinar October 15, 2020

Are you an artist impacted by COVID19? Are you trying to figure out how to reach your customers, safely reopen, or pivot your art-based business?

Join us at 9am on October 15th for the Virtual Business Resource Open House - Some of the top concerns we are hearing from Seattle’s small businesses community will be addressed by Seattle’s small business advocates in this webinar. You will have the opportunity to ask questions, network with other business owners that have been impacted by COVID-19, explore next steps to boost your virtual presence, and learn what is happening with Seattle’s small business funding, technical assistance and mentoring.

This free event is perfect for visual artists, performing artists, teaching artists—or anyone working to support the creative economy. Get face time with experts on the topics of pivoting, how to use technology to take your business online, and other resources like mentoring and financing.

Co-hosted by Beacon Business Alliance, SPL’s Library to Business and Rainier Ave Business Coalition; Graphic Illustration by Mari Shibuya; outreach support from La Sala; and partial funding through the Office Of Economic Development.

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