Bellevue/Redmond 出租4/26-5/3,1b1b電子鎖公寓,拎包入住 <1000 独栋整租 Bellevue

Jlsky885 2023-4-9 327

出租4/26-5/3,1b1b電子鎖公寓,拎包入住,24小時鐵門警衛。雖然是1b1b,但客廳還有一張雙人床,可住4人。地址靠近bellevue golf course,帶按摩椅、停車位、陽台、浴缸,$60/天,希望月租/周租。靠近微軟、Bellevue,需要的請訊息425-222-1925,謝謝

Rent 4/26-5/3,1b1b electronic lock apartment, 24-hour gate guard. Although it is 1b1b, there is also a queen bed in the living room, which can accommodate 4 people. The address is close to bellevue golf course, with a massage chair, parking space, balcony, bathtub, $60/day, hope monthly rent/week rent. Close to Microsoft, Bellevue, if you need it, please send a message to 425-222-1925. Thank you.

Https:// Guests=1&adults=1&s=67&unique_share_id=f7b01cdb-8277-49c2-affd-c9cefba4735f

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